Minggu, 04 September 2011
LA-Lights Streetball Music
Sabtu, 03 September 2011
[Coaching Sessions] Dribble Drill Between The Leg
[Contest Section] SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT bareng THE PROFESSOR! LA Light Streetball
Caranya gampang :
1. Upload video loe di youtube
2. Pastikan kalo loe dah log in di www.la-streetball.com
3. Copy Link URL video yang sudah loe upload di youtube
4. URL yang sudah loe copy, langsung paste di halaman “Submit Video Show Me What You Got”, lalu klik SUBMIT, sekali lagi pastiin kalo loe dah log in di website www.la-streetball.com
5. Hasil pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan di www.la-streetball.com
6. Kompetisi ini akan berakhir s/d 15 Agustus 2011 pukul 12:00 WIB
Buat loe yang bisa ngikutin trik The Professor dan terpilih jadi pemenang di SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT, loe berhak untuk dapat hadiah COOL PRIZE. So, what are you waiting for? SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT di LA Lights Streetball, BERANI ENJOY??
NBA Lockout: Where NBA Players “become” Streetball Players
Tapi, mungkinkah pemain-pemain basket profesional yang GOKIL-GOKIL itu jadi berhenti basket begitu saja sambil nunggu tercapainya kesepakatan? Well, they love Basket Ball MORE THAN we think!! Banyak dari pemain-pemain ini yang akhirnya “melampiaskan” keinginan bermain basket mereka di liga-liga atau kompetisi lainnya, baik di Amerika sendiri atau di luar negeri, termasuk Asia. Namun, saat ini kita bukan untuk membahas para pemain yang akhirnya memilih main di liga-liga luar negeri tersebut, melainkan, kita akan membahas para pemain yang akhirnya beraksi menunjukkan skill mereka di dua kompetisi basketball/streetball ternama di Amerika yang bernama “GOODMAN LEAGUE” dan “DREW LEAGUE”.
Mungkin masih banyak dari para streetballer di sini yang belum tahu mengenai Goodman League dan Drew League ini. Goodman League pertama kali diadakan oleh Ervin Brady, Carlton Reed, dan Morty Hammonds pada tahun 1975. Pada saat itu, liga ini masih dinamakan “Barry Farms Community Basketball League”. Kemudian nama liga tersebut berubah menjadi Goodman League pada tahun 1980-an untuk menghormati salah satu warga di lingkungan Barry Farms tersebut, yaitu George Goodman. Liga yang diadakan di lapangan basket outdoor Barry Farms Dwelling ini menjadi sangat terkenal hingga sekarang. Setiap tahun, tepatnya saat musim panas, hampir setiap hari selalu diadakan pertandingan streetball. Gak cuma itu, pemain-pemain yang beraksi di liga inipun bervariasi, dari streetballer ternama sampai pemain profesional NBA. Sebut saja Special FX (Ball Up Streetball), Baby Shack (AND1 Streetball Player), A Whole Lotta Game (EBC Player), dan ada beberapa pemain profesional NBA, yaitu Kevin Durrant (OKC Thunder), John Wall (Wizards), Gilbert Arenas (Wizards), Ty Lawson (Denver), Sam Young (Memphis) dan masih banyak lagi.
Sedangkan Drew League sendiri, pertama kali diadakan oleh Alvin Willis di tahun 1973, di daerah South Central Los Angeles. Saat itu, Willis yakin dan percaya bahwa Drew League dapat membantu seluruh pecinta basket untuk mengembangkan talenta mereka, dan menjadi top player di lingkungan atau komunitas mereka. Berawal dari 6 tim yang bertanding, kemudian berkembang hingga harus dibatasi menjadi 20 tim saja. Bertempat di Charles Drew Junior High School, sekarang ini Drew League menjadi salah satu kompetisi basket terbesar di daerah tersebut, dan diketahui memiliki kompetisi terbaik antara streetballer, pemain universitas dan bahkan pemain basket profesional NBA. Nama-nama besar streetball yang sudah pernah bermain di Drew League ini adalah Homicide (EBC Player), Bad Santa (AND1 Streetball Player), dan beberapa pemain profesional NBA, yaitu Ron Artest (Lakers), Nick Young (Wizards), Demar DeRozan (Raptors), James Harden (OKC), Brandon Jennings (Bucks), Lebron James (Heat), dan masih banyak lagi bintang-bintang ternama lainnya.
Para jagoan-jagoan basket ini sangat menonjol dibanding pemain-pemain lainnya. Terutama para pemain basket profesional NBA, mereka sudah pasti selalu bergilir menjadi Top Scorer atau MVP di tim nya. Dan sudah tentu, ketika mereka berada di lapangan streetball, hype dan atmosfir permainan mereka pun menjadi “streetball banget”!! Gak percaya? Lihat beberapa klip dari Goodman League dan Drew League di bawah ini:
Goodman League:
Drew League:
Oh iya, denger-denger, tanggal 20 Agustus 2011 nanti, para Allstars dari Goodman League akan diadu dengan para Allstars dari Drew League. WOW??! Isn’t it COOL? Ini bakalan jadi pertandingan basket/streetball ter-GOKIL tahun ini nih. Just look at the roster, setiap tim bermaterikan bintang-bintang streetball dan NBA. Whew!! I couldn’t imagine how amazing the crowds are going to be.
So, mungkin hampir sama dengan tema dari kompetisi LA Lights Streetball tahun lalu, yaitu “Back To Da Street”, saat ini para pemain-pemain basket profesional ini kembali lagi ke dunia streetball, dimana sebagian dari mereka mungkin telah dibesarkan di situ. Dan apabila Lockout ini berlangsung cukup lama, sangat besar kemungkinan bahwa mereka akan bergabung dengan tim-tim streetball ternama seperti Ball Up Streetball atau AND1 Live Streetball, right?
Or, maybe, we should invite them to play at the Grand Final LA Lights Streetball next October?
Hmm, we’ll see about that! ;)
Alpisceso Picko: Bisa Bermain Bersama Streetballer Dunia Adalah Impian Gue
Salah satu Rookie LA Lights Streetball tahun 2011 ini, yang berhasil terpilih mewakili kota Semarang, yaitu Alpisceso Picko AKA Pirate Boy, sama sekali tidak menyangka bahwa dirinya akan terpilih sebagai rookie. Apalagi, ini adalah tahun pertamanya dia main di kompetisi LA Lights Streetball ini.
“Gue seneng banget and gak nyangka! Soalnya ini tahun pertama gue ikutan ajang streetball terbesar di Indonesia ini, dan terpilih menjadi rookie Open Run Semarang 2011.. So, this is amazing!!” ucapnya dengan semangat.
Ya, sebenarnya Picko (nama panggilannya) sudah mengenal streetball sejak dirinya baru duduk di bangku SMA, di kota kelahirannya, Padang, Sumatera Barat. Diawali ketika dia sering melihat teman-temannya melakukan berbagai trik-trik streetball di saat latihan basket. Dari situ, perkenalan akan gerakan-gerakan streetball-pun dimulai, dan teman-temannya pun mulai mengenalkan beberapa video-video streetball kepadanya. Sejak saat itu, Picko pun mulai mempelajari gerakan-gerakan streetball tersebut dan semakin mencintai the game of streetball. Dia memilih tim atau komunitas “DISCONNECT STREETBALL” sebagai tempat belajar serta tempat untuk mengembangkan skill streetball-nya.
“Nama komunitas gue "DISCONNECT STREETBALL". Ini komunitas dari Padang, Sumatera Barat. Karena kebetulan gue kuliah di Semarang, gue ikutan LA Streetball Semarang, dan main di tim USB (United Streetball) Semarang.” ungkapnya sambil menjelaskan kenapa dirinya akhirnya bisa bermain di kota Semarang.
Pemain yang mengidolakan Rico AKA Haleluya dan The Professor ini rupanya sudah sangat siap dalam menghadapi Grand Final nanti. Dia pun siap menunjukkan bahwa streetball itu adalah basketball, jadi basic basket dan fisik yang tangguh tetap harus dimiliki bila ingin berkembang dalam olahraga ini. Walaupun sambil melakukan ibadah puasa, dirinya tetap menyempatkan diri untuk latihan bersama tim-nya, guna meningkatkan skill basic basket serta trik-trik streetball-nya. Namun, waktu latihan pun sebenarnya tidak bisa dibilang banyak, karena saat ini dia kuliah pelayaran, dan harus tinggal di asrama.
“Megang bola basket bisa dibilang jarang banget.. Ya yang namanya udah hobby, apapun dilakuin agar bisa main basket.. Jadi ya, kalau lagi gak latihan sama tim gue, gue cuma latihan fisik aja, dan selalu men-dribble bola di kesempatan yang ada.. Pokoknya di Grand Final nanti, gue pengen nunjukin kalau Streetball is Basketball! Kalau mengenai trik-trik streetball sih..kita liat aja besok..” ujarnya sambil tertawa ringan. “Yang pasti, bisa bermain bersama streetballer dunia adalah impian gue…dan ini bakal terwujud.. Gue akan tampil sebaik mungkin!” tambahnya.
Apabila melihat penampilannya di Open Run Semarang kemarin, memang basic basket yang dimiliki Picko sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Ditambah kemampuannya dalam melakukan trik-trik streetball, sebenarnya Picko dapat menjadi “nominee” dalam pemilihan Allstar Nasional nanti. Namun, sangat disayangkan, sepertinya hal tersebut tidak dapat terjadi, karena Picko harus fokus di kuliah dan pekerjaannya setelah Grand Final nanti.
“Setelah Grand Final nanti, gue bakal berlayar sebagai pelaut sejati..hahaa..udah ganti profesi deh..” kata Picko mengenai plan nya setelah Grand Final. “Seperti yang gue bilang tadi, ini merupakan kompetisi terakhir gue.. Setelah ini, kemungkinan gue gak main basket lagi.. Tapiiiii, kalau ada kesempatan, kenapa ngga?” ucapnya sambil menutup pembicaraan.
Hendri Ansyah: Kita Gak Bisa Diremehin Sama Orang Amerika
Rookie asal kota Malang, Hendri Ansyah AKA Five O, rupanya baru saja bermain streetball lagi tahun ini sejak tangannya sempat patah kurang lebih 2 tahun lalu. Sebenarnya, secara skill, Hendri tidak bisa dibilang sebagai “rookie” lagi di dunia streetball Indonesia, karena dia telah aktif main streetball dari tahun 2004.
“Saya pertama kali bermain streetball pada tahun 2004. Waktu itu saya mengetahui streetball dari teman satu tim saya di PON KALTIM 2004. Pada waktu itu, dia yang memperlihatkan VCD Streetball dan sejak itu lah saya tau streetball.” jelas nya mengenai pengalaman pertamanya mengenal streetball.
AKA Five O tersebut pun diberikan oleh MC LA Streetball, Paul Palele AKA P-Double di Open Run tahun 2007. Nickname Five O, yang dalam istilah bahasa Amerika berarti “Polisi”, diberikan karena memang sehari-hari Hendri bekerja sebagai Polisi di kota tempat tinggalnya, Balikpapan. Nah loh, orang Balikpapan kok main di Malang?
“Saya ikut di Malang karena tergabung di tim GOSTREEM Malang. Dan saya bangga sekali bisa kepilih rookie di kota yang banyak sekali streetballer-streetballer berbakat yang berasal dari kota Malang. Perasaan saya yang orang pendatang dari kota Balikpapan ini pasti sangat bangga sekali.” ucapnya dengan rendah hati.
WOW!! Gak percuma ya, jauh-jauh datang dari kota Balikpapan ke kota Malang, dan terpilih sebagai rookie di kota ini. Pasti persiapannya sebelum Open Run Malang kemarin udah matang banget, karena seperti yang kita tahu, di kota Malang ini banyak sekali streetballer-streetballer GOKIL, terutama dari tim/ komunitas streetball terbesar di kota ini, GOSTREEM. Well, bayangin aja, udah 3 streetballer asal GOSTREEM yang pernah terpilih sebagai Allstar Nasional, yaitu Brian AKA Shifty (Allstar Nasional 2008), dan 2 Allstar Nasional tahun 2010, Tosa AKA Show Off dan Gandi AKA Nasty G. So, memang tidak sia-sia Hendri bergabung di tim/ komunitas besar ini, karena ternyata tim/ komunitas ini juga lah yang akhirnya membawa dia sukses menjadi rookie di kota Malang kemarin. Namun, langkah Hendri tentunya tidak berhenti sampai di sini, karena masih ada babak Grand Final yang akan kembali digelar bulan Oktober nanti. Di babak Grand Final nanti, Hendri akan bermain kembali bersama para rookie dari kota-kota lain, untuk melawan para Allstar Nasional dan juga para USA Streetballer. Pasti butuh persiapan yang lebih matang lagi untuk menghadapi acara puncak di kompetisi LA Streetball ini.
“Persiapan saya untuk tampil di ajang Grand Final nanti saya memperbanyak latihan fisik dan latihan man to man sama teman-teman di sini aja. Fitnes kalau sempat, soalnya saya juga sibuk sama kedinasan. Kebetulan saya dinas di SAT LANTAS POLRES BALIKPAPAN sebagai anggota staf URMIN yang tiap hari banyak bikin laporan kegiatan, jadi agak sibuk, apalagi selama bulan ramadhan.” ujar Hendri mengenai persiapannya menghadapi Grand Final. “Di Grand Final nanti, saya cuma mau nunjukkin kalau kita orang Indonesia juga bisa ngerjain mereka dan gak bisa buat diremehin sama orang Amerika...because this is streetball, and everything is possible! Saya tidak punya trik khusus…saya cuma akan bermain se-enjoy mungkin dan berusaha untuk menghibur penonton aja.. Amin! Doakan saja.” tambahnya.
Hendri memang terlihat santai dan tidak mau ambil pusing dalam menghadapi babak Grand Final nanti, karena memang dia juga tidak ingin menjadikan moment ini sebagai beban tersendiri. Kesibukannya akan pekerjaannya memang sangat menyita waktu latihannya, akan tetapi hal tersebut tetap tidak bisa menahannya untuk tidak latihan sama sekali. Karena biar bagaimana pun, dia tetap ingin tampil maksimal dan memukau para penonton di Grand Final nanti. Well, bukan tidak mungkin dirinya dapat terpilih sebagai Allstar Nasional 2011 kan?
“Kalau niat kepilih Allstar Nasional pasti ada, tapi saya belum bisa bicara apa-apa sekarang, karena saya baru tahun ini lagi ikut streetball setelah 2 tahun yang lalu tangan kanan saya sempat patah.. Jadi kita lihat saja nanti di Grand Final, saya pantas atau tidak jadi Allstar Nasional.. Kalau terpilih, yang pasti saya akan melatih kelebihan saya yang membuat para juri memilih saya menjadi Allstar Nasional dan belajar dari Allstar Nasional yang lain tentunya, dan kalau tidak terpilih, saya akan tetap berlatih streetball because streetball is my life!” ucapnya dengan penuh semangat.
Aight Hendri! Keep doing your thing, and hopefully you can show your best in the Grand Final! Goodluck!
Jumat, 02 September 2011
Streetball Season 3
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 1
http://rapidshare.de/files/13976273/And ... 1.mov.html
(thanks liljj2005)
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 2
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 3
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 4
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 5
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 6
(thanks liljj2005)
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 7
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 8
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 9
AND1 Season 3 - Episode 10
The Notic 2: Streetball Revolution DVD Edition [699MB]
* Bonus clips
* player’s outtakes
* Teasers and trailers
* Player’s profile section
* A trick section with the move’s name and the player describing it. This is a nice feature as now you can put a name to many of the Notic moves.
* A slideshow
* Additional footage that can be unlocked
* A commentary of the Notic 2
* And the Notic Vol.1 of course
part1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/db0dbm
part2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/a5jb6n
part3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/thta0v
[BM] Streetball Workout - with Main Event !
*Main Event - Dishing the Rock
*Main Event - Dunk Workout
*Main Event - Handle Skillz
*Main Event - Handle Workout
*Main Event - Streetball
*Main Event - Take it to the Rack
http://rapidshare.com/files/140047604/s ... .part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/140051673/s ... .part2.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/140044223/s ... .part3.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/140053632/s ... .part4.rar
Title.........: And.1.Mixtape.Vol.10.DVDRip.XviD-NTXViD
Release.Date..: 07-19-2008
Store.Date....: 07-16-2008
Size..........: 700MB
Source........: DVD5
Runtime.......: 1:07:48
Format........: XViD
Genre.........: Sports / Tv
Rating .......:
Url ..........: http://www.espnshop.com/catalog/product ... -35001817/
Format........: MP3 vbr
Bitrate.......: 133kbps
Format........: XviD
Resolution....: 672x272
Bitrate.......: 1293kbps
Aspect.Ratio..: 2.471 [42:17]
FPS...........: 23.976
or folder :
AND1 sound track!
Vol 9 GET It HERE :http://www.and1.com.ua/and1_sounds.php
The Notic 1 & 2 DVDRip XviD | StreetBall
Download :
http://rapidshare.com/files/124241201/T ... .part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124259362/T ... .part2.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124277717/T ... .part3.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124299272/T ... .part4.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124315377/T ... .part5.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124329360/T ... .part6.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124341655/T ... .part7.rar
Password : www.basketballvideoz.com
NBA All-Star Slam Dunk Competition 2006 | NBA
Download :
http://rapidshare.com/files/124104590/N ... .part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124125133/N ... .part2.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124206019/N ... .part3.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/124213552/N ... .part4.rar
On Hallowed Ground Streetball Champions Of Rucker Park | StreetBall
Download :
http://rapidshare.com/files/124700941/O ... .part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/125175438/O ... .part2.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/125192375/O ... .part3.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/125210858/O ... .part4.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/125220504/O ... .part5.rar
Password : www.basketballvideoz.com
Koleksi Lengkap Video Streetball
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17862468/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_1.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17862740/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_1.part2.rar
Year: 1998
Time: 18:23 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 2
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17864806/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_2.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17865329/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_2.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17865359/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_2.part3.rar
Year: 1999
Time: 20:07 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 3
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17865753/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_3.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17866277/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_3.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17866291/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_3.part3.rar
Year: 2000
Time: 16:26 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 4
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17866856/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_4.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17867380/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_4.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17864441/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_4.part3.rar
Year: 2001
Time: 22:13 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 5
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18501143/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_5.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18502018/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_5.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18502337/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_5.part3.rar
Year: 2002
Time: 38:57 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 6
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18503281/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18504301/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18505241/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part3.rar
Part 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18506530/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part4.rar
Part 5 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18507496/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part5.rar
Part 6 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18508486/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part6.rar
Part 7 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18508509/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_6.part7.rar
Year: 2003
Time: 39:23 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 7
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18509337/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18510291/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18511288/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part3.rar
Part 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18512262/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part4.rar
Part 5 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18513408/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part5.rar
Part 6 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18514306/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part6.rar
Part 7 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18515101/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part7.rar
Part 8 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18515395/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_7.part8.rar
Year: 2004
Time: 45:03 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 8
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18516304/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_8.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18517139/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_8.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18518097/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_8.part3.rar
Part 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/18500330/And1_Mix_Tape_Volume_8.part4.rar
Year: 2005
Time: 57:23 min
AND1 Mix Tape Volume 9
http://rapidshare.com/files/18684820/An ... .part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18685870/An ... .part2.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18686990/An ... .part3.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18688138/An ... .part4.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18689355/An ... .part5.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18690594/An ... .part6.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18691855/An ... .part7.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/18692186/An ... .part8.rar
And1 Ball Access - Global Invasion (2004)
-Global Invasion is once again another nice mixtape from And1 and showcases why they are just as popular overseas as they are in the US. And1 hit 5 European city's including Paris, Barcelona, Milan, London and Frankfurt attracting mobs of crazy fans dying to get a glimpse of their favourite And1 ballers. In every game And1 ballers were split into two teams and in every game different rivalry's would emerge and different players would go at each other. The trash talking between players would always result in tough competitive games with hard fouls and arguments, sometimes it was hard to imagine these guys were team mates let alone friends. This was good though because it made each game more interesting and it raised the level of play which always resulted in someone getting dunked on or someone being embarrassed. All the games displayed your typical And1 style type of play and seemed to leave the crowds satisfied. My favourite part of the DVD was at the beginning in the Pierre De Coubertin in "Paris" France, were before the game a dunk comp was held in front of a capacity crowd. Helicopter went against two French players who threw down some amazing dunks, including one cat's 360 over 4 people and another guy's 360 between the legs of one foot. Helicopter had some impressive dunks as well including a 360 windmill and a nice lean off the bounce. Global Invasion also features a crash the court game against the French And1 team and the London Open Run. Unfortunately this mixtape didn't show enough of the European players and what they can do, this is due to the games being played mainly by And1 players instead of local talent. Only two players were chosen from each city and I couldn't remember any highlights from any of them. It did give you a good look on how popular streetball is in Europe and it did show a lot of the beautiful places the city's have but it lacked the streetball flavour and creativity Europe players have to offer.
Part 1 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17868666/And1_Ball_Access_-_Global_Invasion_defa.part1.rar
Part 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17868980/And1_Ball_Access_-_Global_Invasion_defa.part2.rar
Part 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17869307/And1_Ball_Access_-_Global_Invasion_defa.part3.rar
Part 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17868025/And1_Ball_Access_-_Global_Invasion_defa.part4.rar
Part 5 - http://rapidshare.com/files/17868286/And1_Ball_Access_-_Global_Invasion_defa.part5.rar
(DeFa) BATTLEGROUNDS - King Of The World (2004)
8 players - 2 continents - 1 winner
8 among the most famous American and European streetballers in a challenge one to one: discover who will be crowned bastetball world king!
TIME - 42:00 min
PART1 - http://rapidshare.de/files/33693274/Bat ... .part1.rar
PART2 - http://rapidshare.de/files/33721064/Bat ... .part2.rar
Dime55 - The Movement Mixtape
- Dime mixtape the movement is an important development in the progression of the streetball culture. Dime, based out of Toronto, leads the way for the growth of the streetball community. Streetball has a brand new crew straight from the streets starring Tru Baller, Kit Kat, Ghost, Pop, Prince, White Pepper, Papo, T-Mill and two new superstars No Body and Cheez. Come walk with Dime on this legendary journey, be a part of the movement.
http://rapidshare.de/files/33548698/Dim ... __CD1.rmvb
http://rapidshare.de/files/33552338/Dim ... __CD2.rmvb
(DeFa) Streetball Classics Volume 1 (DVD-Rip)
-You've seen the rest, now check out the best. Streetball Classics Vol. 1, captures blacktop excitement like no other tape on the market today. Featuring some of the hottest ballers in NYC, including footage of the "Bone Collector," "I'll Be Right Back," "Headache," "The Matrix," "Cross Country," Lenny Cooke, "Kirt Flirt," and a host of other favorites, along with bonus footage of "The original voice of Street basketball"- "Duke Tango." If you're into sick dunks, crossovers, and plain ol' urban drama, this one is definitely for you.
Language: English
Studio: Ground Zero
DVD Release Date: March 1, 2005
PART1 - http://rapidshare.de/files/33772929/Str ... .part1.rar
PART2 - http://rapidshare.de/files/33783676/Str ... .part2.rar
PART3 - http://rapidshare.de/files/33784884/Str ... .part3.rar
NBA Hardwood Classics - Patrick Ewing - Standing Tall (DVD-Rip)
Patrick Ewing: Standing Tall He has come to be known as the NBA`s quintessential center. A feathery touch and unmatched intensity combined with earth rocking slams and ferocious blocked shots- they are all part of what makes Patrick Ewing one of the leagues most dominant players. But there is much more to this complex indivdual than meets the eye. Now, get an intimate look at the Patrick Ewing few fans ever see. Watch him as a schoolboy star in Boston. Re-live his triumphant college career at Georgetown. Take a courtside seat for his epic battles as the centerpeice of the resurgent New York Knicks, and travel with him to Barcelona as part of the historic Dream Team. Rare footage and candid interviews vividly capture Ewing`s most sensational and revealing moments. This is your chance to see the spectacular highlights and the warm, often funny demeanor that made Patrick Ewing one of the NBA`s most fascinating personalities.
Time: 44 min
Part1 - http://rapidshare.de/files/32837590/Patrick_Ewing_-_Standing_Tall_defamous.part1.rar
Part2 - http://rapidshare.de/files/32848111/Patrick_Ewing_-_Standing_Tall_defamous.part2.rar
Part3 - http://rapidshare.de/files/32888075/Patrick_Ewing_-_Standing_Tall_defamous.part3.rar
Hardwood Dreams Pt 1 & 2
-Documentary about High School Basketball in Inner LA-
From the producers of Coach Carter, with narration by Wesley Snipes, Hardwood Dreams takes an no-holds-barred look at the world of high school basketball in inner-city Los Angeles.\nStarting in 1993 with Inglewood's Morningside High School Varsity team, Hardwood Dreams Part 1 takes a season-long look at 5 of the players from the then city championship side, as they pursue the retention of their title whilst all the time battling with the distractions of gangs, egos, underage drinking, and brushes with the police. \nHardwood Dreams Part 2 re-visits the same 5 men a decade later to find what has become of the high school stars and if any of them made it to the NBA.\n \nCritically acclaimed when first broadcast by Fox in 1994, Hardwood Dreams paints an honest portrait of the pressures on young men who attempt to escape their impoverished environs via sport.\n
Release Date: February 14th, 2006
Edition: Standard Release DVD
Runtime: 114 Minutes
Studio: Urban Works
Languages: English
Disc #1 -- Hardwood Dreams, Vol. 1/Hardwood Dreams, Vol. 2
1. Morning Side Monarchs [7:51]
2. Practice Begins [4:12]
3. Gang Violence [7:37]
4. The Classroom [7:01]
5. Playoffs [6:57]
6. Losing Sean [12:32]
8. Big Dreams [1:59]
9. Looking Back [6:41]
10. Sean Deez [6:13]
11. Dwight Curry [9:03]
12. Dominic Ellison [10:19]
13. Corey Saffold [9:22]
14. Stais Boseman [16:45]
15. The Good Life [6:28]
PART1 - http://rapidshare.de/files/32133087/HARDWOOD_DREAMS_defa.part1.rar - 300 MB
PART2 - http://rapidshare.de/files/32140654/HARDWOOD_DREAMS_defa.part2.rar - 300 MB
PART3 - http://rapidshare.de/files/32367913/HARDWOOD_DREAMS_defa.part3.rar - 240 MB
[DeFa] NBA Hardwood Classics: Below the Rim (1995)
Product Description
Men among giants, the NBA's little big men are the unsung heroes of the court. Defying the odds, these players rise to levels above and beyond even their own expectations. Marvel at the men who beat the odds to make it in a big man's game: Mark Price's amazing long-range shooting, Spud Webb's incredible dunks, and Tim Hardaway's killer cross-over.
Studio: Warner Home Video
DVD Release Date: February 28, 2006
Language: English
-its not my Rip, only upload
- here ist a sample 20 sec. rip - check quality -
-free links-
Name: Below The Rim (NBA Hardwood).part1.rar
Size: 95MB
The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/clndt4
Name: Below The Rim (NBA Hardwood).part2.rar
Size: 95MB
The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fbvilt
Name: Below The Rim (NBA Hardwood).part3.rar
Size: 95MB
The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/dqe60i
Name: Below The Rim (NBA Hardwood).part4.rar
Size: 95MB
The download link is:http://www.sendspace.com/file/wvva6z
Name: Below The Rim (NBA Hardwood).part5.rar
Size: 95MB
The download link is:http://www.sendspace.com/file/8rk6os
TIME: 36:30 MIN
SIZE: 390 MB
FORMAT: *.mpg
-RapidShare-Folder : http://rapidshare.com/users/R0T8HB
-SendSpace-Folder : http://www.sendspace.com/folder/d250cj
TIME: 40:30 MIN
SIZE: 420 MB
FORMAT: *.mpg
-RapidShare-Folder : http://rapidshare.com/users/YBAV4W
-SendSpace-Folder : http://www.sendspace.com/folder/bfgsel
Where were you on Jan. 22, 2006? It's a night that will live in basketball lore for quite some time. Kobe Bryant tallied 81 points against the Raptors in a 122-104 Lakers win. The 81 is the second highest single-game point total in NBA history, behind only Wilt Chamberlain's 100 over 40 years ago.
With no footage of Wilt's perfomance around, Kobe's night becomes something that the NBA has never seen before. People across the league are buzzing about the historic night.
"I've seen some remarkable games but I've never seen anything like that before," added Lakers coach Phil Jackson, who played against Chamberlain and coached Jordan.
TIME: 56:11 & 57:23 MIN
SIZE: 700 + 700 MB
FORMAT: *.avi
-RapidShare-Folder : http://rapidshare.com/users/WBC7UF
- Kobe Bryant scores 62 points
TIME: 01:02 & 01:03 HOUR.
SIZE: 700 + 700 MB
FORMAT: *.avi
-RapidShare-Folder : http://rapidshare.com/users/MDEPKE
Vintage NBA (Maurice Cheeks) & Sports Century - AI
Vintage NBA - Maurice Cheeks
Original Size: 550 MB
Time: 41:05 min
Format: *.avi
640x360 @ 29,97
Filesize: 88.06MB
Uploaded: Part1
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/h2lp5e
Filesize: 90.77MB
Uploaded: Part2
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wtgswv
Filesize: 88.69MB
Uploaded: Part3
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/alwzap
Filesize: 89.66MB
Uploaded: Part4
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sg43cw
Filesize: 90.69MB
Uploaded: Part5
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pjely5
Filesize: 80.94MB
Uploaded: Part6
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/894n65
Rapidshare-Folder - http://rapidshare.com/users/TKOVUZ
ESPN Sports Century - Allen Iverson
Original Size: 257 MB
Time: 23:45 min
Format: *.avi
506x380 @ 29,97
SENDSPACE - http://www.sendspace.com/file/cnr2ux
Rapidshare-Folder - http://rapidshare.com/users/TKOVUZ
[DeFa] Chicago Bulls @ Indiana Pacers (East. Conf. Final)
Chicago Bulls @ Indiana Pacers (East. Conf. Final - 1998 - G7) - Full
...i start upload a very nice old games.
...my first VHS-Rip ist this game... Jordan vs. Miller, Jackson vs. Bird...
fg ft rb
min m-a m-a o-t a pf tp
Mullin 21 3-5 1-1 0-3 1 4 7
D Davis 37 3-6 3-10 2-9 3 2 9
Smits 28 3-7 7-8 0-4 3 5 13
Jackson 31 3-8 3-4 0-4 6 3 11
Miller 41 7-13 4-4 0-0 4 3 22
A Davis 22 2-4 3-4 2-10 0 6 7
Mckey 27 1-4 1-2 0-2 0 5 3
Rose 16 3-4 1-3 0-1 0 1 7
Best 17 2-5 0-1 0-1 1 4 4
Hoiberg DNP - coach's decision
Pope DNP - coach's decision
West DNP - coach's decision
TOTALS 240 27-56 23-37 4-34 18 33 83
Percentages: FG-.482, FT-.622. 3-Point Goals:
6-16, .375 (Mullin 0-1, Jackson 2-4, Miller 4-7,
Mckey 0-2, Best 0-2). Team rebounds: 13. Blocked
shots: 2 (D Davis 2). Turnovers: 13 (A Davis 2,
Jackson 2, Miller 2, Smits 2, Best, Mckey,
Mullin, Rose). Steals: 5 (Miller 2, Best, D
Davis, Jackson).
fg ft rb
min m-a m-a o-t a pf tp
Pippen 39 6-18 5-9 6-12 3 5 17
Kukoc 33 7-11 4-5 1-4 1 3 21
Longley 34 1-5 1-2 2-9 2 5 3
Harper 29 1-4 2-6 2-3 2 2 4
Jordan 42 9-25 10-15 5-9 8 3 28
Rodman 27 1-4 0-2 3-6 1 5 2
Burrell 5 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 2 2
Kerr 19 3-7 2-2 1-1 0 3 11
Buechler 11 0-1 0-0 1-5 1 2 0
Simpkins 1 0-0 0-0 1-1 0 0 0
Brown DNP - coach's decision
Wennington DNP - coach's decision
TOTALS 240 29-76 24-41 22-50 18 30 88
Percentages: FG-.382, FT-.585. 3-Point Goals:
6-15, .400 (Pippen 0-5, Kukoc 3-4, Rodman 0-1,
Kerr 3-5). Team rebounds: 10. Blocked shots: 2
(Pippen, Rodman). Turnovers: 9 (Pippen 3, Jordan
2, Longley 2, Kukoc, Rodman). Steals: 7 (Longley
2, Pippen 2, Harper, Kerr, Kukoc).
Indiana 27 18 20 18 - 83
Chicago 19 29 21 19 - 88
Technical fouls: Chicago 1 (Harper, 2:10 2nd).
Flagrant fouls: None. A: 23,844. T: 2:34.
Officials: Hugh Evans, Dick Bavetta, Jack Nies.
TIME: 2 hours
SIZE : 1400 MB
QUALITY: Good+ (VHS-Rip)
COMMENT: Deutch (DSF Live)
Rapidshare-Folder : http://rapidshare.com/users/BFVNNG